viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

69BY/0 information about 69DIV

Special Activation 69BY/0  

Operators on Air
59 ALFA - QSL via 69BY175 Jim
59 BRAVO-  QSL via 69BY 501 Greg
59 CHARLIE- QSL via 69BY 019 Jorge
59 ECHO - QSL via 69BY107 Octavio
Digital modes
599-W Gerald qsl via 69BY501

Normal contribution $2

Begins: October 1st
Ends: November 30th

HQ webmasterblog Bravoyankee ©


Located in Central America, has an area of ​​51,100 km2 and is a great destination for visitors. It is one of the countries with the largest protected area in the world, because 25% of the national territory consists of national parks, biological reserves, land and sea, and other wilderness areas. It has approximately 850 species of birds, of which 600 are resident and migratory rest during the North American winter, stopping in this country and then continue their journey, usually to South America.According to geographical coordinates are between 8 ° 02 '26 "and 11 ° 13' 12" north of Ecuador and 82 ° 33 '48 "west of Greenwich. Regarding its geological formation as the country youth of the land of America. This means that until the early Tertiary, Costa Rica and Panama were occupied by a large marine channel that connected the Caribbean and Pacific Current, which constituted all rather a massive archipelago before continental. has been argued that current Nicoya and Osa peninsulas are remnants of these islands firstborn. since mid Tertiary tectonic and volcanic movimientoss strong allowed the lifting of the country and the emergence, over an area of Depression fracture known as Nicaragua, the current volcanic ranges of Guanacaste and Central. however, was in the Quaternary when finished consolidating the Costa Rican territory and set the stage for the location of the first natives who settled in our territory. This small country is big on activities for the visitor can find sun, beach, adventure, nature into culture, all in one place.
 Geographic Location  
 Costa Rica has a special location on the world map, it is the center of Central America. Bordered to the east and northeast by the Caribbean Sea to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, on the southeast by Panama and Nicaragua to the north. 
 Costa Rica is a tropical country situated between two oceans and a complex geography that originates varied climatic conditions and lead to life zones ranging from tropical dry forest to the desert. Generally temperatures between 14 and 22 degrees Celsius. While the country has no defined seasons and climate of each region is relatively stable throughout the year, there are slight changes as time of "summer" (dry season) or "winter" (rainy season). The season "summer" is usually from December to April, and "winter" from May to November.

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